growing real community

We are all built for community. Whether it's found in a team we cheer for, a hobby we enjoy, or a stage in life, all men find out sooner or later that life is better when we do it in community.  We want to invite you to join us as we strive to be the men God has called each of us to be while we grow real community together.

Iron Sharpens Iron

Our men's events are built as times for us to sharpen ourselves together.  We learn from each other, we work toward a common goal.  Proverbs 27:17 teaches us that "Iron sharpens iron, and one person sharpens another." Every time we meet, it is an opportunity for us to grow closer to God as we push each other to closer community with Christ and His church.


Whether it's talking about the trials and triumphs of raising kids, the hard work it takes to strengthen your marriage, or something as simple as talking about firearms and cars, we relate with you. Join us as we take the opportunity to show you how even the little things that matter to you make you the man God wants you to be. 

JOIN US at our next Men's Ministry Event

upcoming Events

Fellas and Football

October 26th

Get involved

Men need the encouragement and camaraderie of other men

Wherever you are in your walk of life, Acton Baptist Men's Ministry is for you.  We'd love to add you to our email list to keep you informed on the great things we have going on in growing real community.

Youth Volunteer Application